My Name is Varshith . I'm From Andhra Pradesh . Currently I am pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science . I am good at PYTHON , HTML , PHP , CSS,
MySql . I had done an Internship on block chain at
" GetBoarded Technologies Pvt Limited " also I had an experience with working on Real time project named as "Blood Bank Management" . Currently I am working on a project "Driver Drowniness" Its purely based on Opencv, Scipy other libraries in Python. That's all about me , you can download my resume below THANK YOU !!
Programming Languages
* C
Scripting Languages
Development Tools
* PyCharm
* Andrioid Studio
* Visual Studio
Intra Personal Skills
* Creative
* Persistance
* Team Management
Chat Bot
Chat Bot are used in Websites as a Personal Assistants
Blod Bank Management
html,css ,php, javascript are used in this project
Weather App using API
weather app designed in python using Google API
Age Calculator
AGE CALCULATOR using python (tkinter module)
Courses & Certifications
• IIT Kharagpur NPTEL Certification in JAVA March 2019
• Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals for AWS an online non-credit course by Google Cloud offered through Coursera
• Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning -Professional through Coursera
• Data Science & Math Skills Certified by DUKE UNIVERSITY
• Certified on HACKER RANK and CODE VITA
Hobbies & Sports
* Browsing
* Gardening
* Free Lancing
* Cricket
* Swimming
* Atheltics
Contact Me
If u have any doubts you can Contact me Through M a i l
The Source Code of the Above Mentioned Projects Can be available in Github.